CLOS tutorial: I published 9 videos (1h 22min) on my course. You'll know enough to read the sources of Hunchentoot or the Kandria game 🎥 ⭐
Common Lisp: equality functions explained (=, eq, equal, string= et all)
I published 17 videos about Common Lisp macros - learn Lisp with a code-first tutorial 🎥 ⭐
How to parse command line arguments in Common Lisp (bis)
Debugging Lisp: fix and resume a program from any point in stack 🎥
Debugging Lisp: trace options, break on conditions
New video: how to request a REST API in Common Lisp: fetching the GitHub API 🎥
Video: Create a Common Lisp project from scratch with our project generator 🎥
Writing an interactive web app in Common Lisp: Hunchentoot then CLOG