A few weeks ago, I put together a new Lisp video. It’s cool, sound on, ‘til the end ;)
I want to show how to (quickly) do practical, real-world stuff in Lisp. Here, how to request a web API. We create a new full-featured project with my project skeleton, we study the GitHub API, and we go ahead.
I develop in Emacs with Slime, but in the end we also build a binary, so we have a little application that works on the command line (note that I didn’t use SBCL’s core compression, we could have a lighter binary of around 30MB).
I use the libraries: Dexador for HTTP requests, the Jonathan and then the Shasht JSON libraries, as well as Access and Serapeum to help with accessing, creating and viewing hash-tables.
Thanks for the comments already :)
tks for that… it’s amazing.
Thank you, that was a great video! I plan to get the udemy course now based on this.
Here are my previous ones:
- How to create a new full-featured Common Lisp project (with my project generator)
- Interactively fixing failing tests
I want to do more but damn, it takes time. You can push me for more :)
Last notes:
I had fun with the soundtrack :)
I edit the video with the latest Kdenlive with the snap package and it’s great for me.