I just released a new documentation website specialized on web development in Common Lisp:
I’d be embarrassed to tell how long it took me to grasp all the building blocks and to assemble a resource that makes sense. I hope it serves you well, now don’t hesitate to share what you are building, it creates emulation!
In the first tutorial we build a simple app that shows a web form that searches and displays a list of products.
We see many necessary building blocks to write web apps in Lisp:
- how to start a server
- how to create routes
- how to define and use path and URL parameters
- how to define HTML templates
- how to run and build the app, from our editor and from the terminal.
In doing so, we’ll experience the interactive nature of Common Lisp.
In the user log-in section, we build a form that checks a user name and a password:
We also introduce databases, and more topics.
The sources are here: https://github.com/web-apps-in-lisp/web-apps-in-lisp.github.io/ and the GitHub Discussions are open.