When I started dabbling in CL, I tried to build a readline application to see how it goes. I found cl-readline (I’m only the new maintainer) and it went smoothly. So I built a second and a third app, and found many things to refactor and provide out of the box: now comes replic.
It comes as a library (now in Quicklisp, since 2018-01) and as an executable. The library does the following for you:
- it builds the repl loop, catches a C-c, a C-d, errors,
- it asks confirmation to quit,
- it asks depending on a .conf and a lispy config file,
- it reads parameters from a config file,
- it prints the help of all or one command (with optional highlighting),
- and more importantly it handles the completion of commands and of their arguments.
For example, instead of this “repl” loop:
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(text "")
(verb "")
(function nil)
(variable nil)
(args ""))
((string= "quit" (str:trim text)))
(setf text
(rl:readline :prompt (prompt)
:add-history t))
(#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt ()
(when (confirm)
(if (string= text "NIL")
;; that's a C-d, a blank input is just "".
(when (confirm)
(unless (str:blank? text)
(setf verb (first (str:words text)))
(setf function (if (replic.completion:is-function verb)
;; might do better than this or.
(replic.completion:get-function verb)))
(setf variable (if (replic.completion:is-variable verb)
(replic.completion:get-variable verb)))
(setf args (rest (str:words text)))
(if (and verb function)
;; Call the function.
(apply function args)
(#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(error (c) (format t "Error: ~a~&" c)))
(if variable
(format t "~a~&" (symbol-value variable))
(format t "No command or variable bound to ~a~&" verb)))
(when (and *history*
(rl:write-history "/tmp/readline_history"))
(error (c)
(format t "~&Unknown error: ~&~a~&" c)))
you call:
To turn all exported functions of a package into commands, use
(replic:functions-to-commands :my-package)
and you can find them into the readline app.
Setting the completion of commands is easy, we use
(replic.completion:add-completion "my-function" <list-or-lambda>
. For example:
(in-package :replic.user)
(defparameter *names* '()
"List of names (string) given to `hello`. Will be autocompleted by `goodbye`.")
(defun hello (name)
"Takes only one argument. Adds the given name to the global
`*names*` variable, used to complete arguments of `goodbye`.
(format t "hello ~a~&" name)
(push name *names*))
(defun goodbye (name)
"Says goodbye to name, where `name` should be completed from what was given to `hello`."
(format t "goodbye ~a~&" name))
(replic.completion:add-completion "goodbye" (lambda () *names*))
(export '(hello goodbye))
This example can be used with the executable. What it does is read
your code from a lisp file (~/.replic.lisp
or an argument on the
command line) and it turns the exported functions into commands, for
which we can specify custom completion.
For more details, see the readme.
I use this currently in three apps of mine (like cl-torrents). It’s simple. It could be more: it could infer the arguments’ type, do fuzzy completion, maybe integrate a Lisp editor (Lem) or a lispy shell (shcl), separate the commands in apps, expose hooks, have a set of built-in shell related utilities, highlight the input line, it could be web-based,…
For now it’s going smoothly.
I’ll finish by recalling that it’s amazing to be able to ship self-contained executables to users !