edit: I found Snooze (by Sly and Yasnippet’s author) easier and cleaner in this regard. It also has built-in settings to choose where to catch errors: with Slime’s debugger, with a full stacktrace in the browser or displaying a custom error page.
If you’re using Lucerne don’t search more like I did, its
macro works with url query parameters (as well as POST
If you’re accessing the url hello?search=kw
, this works:
@route app "/hello"
(defview index (name)
(with-params (search)
(render-template (+index+)
:search search)))
An illustration with a POST parameter from the “utweet” example:
@route app (:post "/tweet")
(defview tweet ()
(if (lucerne-auth:logged-in-p)
(let ((user (current-user)))
(with-params (tweet)
(utweet.models:tweet user tweet))
(redirect "/"))
(render-template (+index+)
:error "You are not logged in.")))
The macro is implemented like this:
;; https://github.com/eudoxia0/lucerne/blob/master/src/http.lisp
(defmacro with-params (params &body body)
"Extract the parameters in @cl:param(param) from the @c(*request*), and bind
them for use in @cl:param(body)."
`(let ,(loop for param in params collecting
`(,param (let ((str (parameter *request*
,(intern (string-downcase
(symbol-name param))
(if (equal str "")
For Caveman it is possible but a bit awkward and inconsistent.
There’s an example for Ningle on the related StackOverflow question.
And in Clack generally ?
It is only scarcely documented on Clack’s api documentation.
We can access the parameters with (clack.request:query-parameter
. So to get the value of a given param:
(assoc "a-param" (clack.request:query-parameter lucerne:*request*) :test 'string=)
and this returns the key and the value, so we need another cdr
to get the value…
(defun query-param (param)
(cdr (assoc param (clack.request:query-parameter lucerne:*request*) :test #'string=)))
See also: