This is a follow-up from yesterday’s post on reddit and an announce I wanted to make since this summer: I created 9 videos on CLOS, for a total of 1 hour and 22 minutes, in which you learn what I detail below. You can watch the course and subscribe here (Christmas coupon) and learn more on GitHub. The whole course is made of 51 videos divided in 9 chapters, for a total of 7 hours and 12 minutes. It is rated 4.71 / 5 as of date (thank you!!).

Yesterday was a great day because I received nice feedback:

It is an amazing tutorial. What is really strange is I thought CLOS was complicated. I guess it can be but [Vincent] is amazing at explaining everything and demystifying it.


🔥 I appreciate any (constructive ;) ) feedback and positive ones a lot.

Oh hey you made that tutorial. I started it but then got distracted by other stuff, been meaning to restart it and make my way through the whole thing. Really liked what I went through (I was on video 12 about redefining functions locally etc).


Look, other recent feedback on my course:

I have done some preliminary Common Lisp exploration prior to this course but had a lot of questions regarding practical use and development workflows. This course was amazing for this! I learned a lot of useful techniques for actually writing the code in Emacs, as well as conversational explanations of concepts that had previously confused me in text-heavy resources. Please keep up the good work and continue with this line of topics, it is well worth the price!

   Preston, October 2024


The instructor shows lots of tricks.

   Tom, November 2024


Excellent selection of content. The delivery is not always obvious just for watching, but when I do the examples, it’s absolutely clear that what I need to be learning has been presented.

   Steven, November 2024 <3

Table of Contents

Chapter content

1. defclass, make-instance, slots… aka CLOS crash course, part 1. This one is free to watch 🆓

We see in more details: defclass, make-instance, attributes (aka slots), slot options (initarg, initform, reader, writer, accessor, documentation), slot-value, generic functions, defmethod, dispatching on built-in types, how objects are lazily updated, Slime inspector actions, manipulating Slime presentations, unbound slots and slot-boundp, Slime shortcuts to create objects…

We see a LOT already in this video, in an efficient way (way more efficient than when I learned anyways), so if you’re on a budget you can start with it (it’s free to watch) and complement with the Cookbook, and the other free books. Also if you are a student shoot me an email (and avoid the reddit chat, I don’t see the notifications, sorry about that).

1b. Quizz: CLOS crash test

There is a small quizz. Keep in mind that the Udemy plateform doesn’t support any Lisp language so I can’t put any live coding exercises, but we can read code.

2. Inheritance, multimethods, around, before and after methods… aka CLOS crash course, part 2

what we see more precisely: inheritance, multimethods, :around, :before and :after methods (think signals and overwriting default methods in other languages, that allow to control what happens when a method is called, if it is called at all), their order of execution, a Slime shortcut to export all symbols of a class at once…

3. Pretty printing

We see how to change the default printed representation of objects.

What we see: print-object, with print-unreadable-object, the object type, the object identity, classic gotchas.

You know, normally an object is printed un-readable as

#<ROBOT {1005CEBD03}>

(guess what AOC day I am at)

and we can use the print-object method to print it however we like, such as

#<ROBOT x: 47 y: 14 {1005CEBD03}>

4. defclass review

We give another pass, slower, to defclass, slot options, make-instance, and to the fact that accessors are generic functions.

You can skip this one if the crash course was crystal clear.

5. Custom constructors and custom logic.

What we see: writing our own “make-person” terse constructor. Adding some logic before the object creation, doing side-effects after the object creation: towards initialize-instance.

6. initialize-instance: control if and how any objects are created

What we see: defining a :before and an :after method of initialize-instance for our person class, in order to do the same logic than with our custom constructor, but with a built-in CL Object System mechanism. Note that using INITIALIZE-INSTANCE isn’t a must, only a “can”, that you can use for your own classes, or to control the creation of objects from other systems.

7. Multiple inheritance

What we see: how to inherit from multiple parent classes and who takes precedence, when the parents define the same slot with each a default value. Quick illustration. We use what is known as a mixin class to add functionality to our class.

8. defgeneric vs defmethod: when to use which, which is better?

What we see: the use of defgeneric and defmethod, either separately, either together. defgeneric has a couple advantages in regards to documentation and keeping your code in sync with your image.

9. Class allocation

What we see: the default :allocation :instance VS :allocation :class. How to automatically count how many objects of a class are created.

8b. Quizz: reading code from real-world projects.

Outcome of the chapter

There was a lot of choices to make and advanced topics to ignore for this first chapter on CLOS. What drove my choices was looking at real-world code out there. As a result, by the end of this chapter, you will know enough to read real-world Common Lisp projects such as the Hunchentoot web server or the Kandria game. Bravo!

Closing words

First of all, thank you for your encouragements, and to everyone who took the course or who shared it!

Today I’d like to answer to my past me, a newcomer to Lisp on a budget: why create a paying course? First of all, I still contribute to the Cookbook, a collaborative resource. It’s not “free or paid” resources, it’s both. Then, preparing and recording structured videos takes so much time that I wouldn’t do this continuous effort if I hadn’t the ambition to make a non-ridiculous hourly rate on them one day. Disclaimer: it isn’t the case yet. Maybe next year, depending on how many videos I release ;) I can pay my rent with them once every few months though, that’s cool. Rest assured I’m not a millionaire. I’m on my own projects and I don’t have a fixed (nor big) income. So your contribution or sponsorship counts, if only for the good vibes that push me to spend more and more time on my growing list of projects.

You can sponsor other lispers too.

Thank you and happy lisping.