Hi, it’s Vincent. I write about my Common Lisp journey here. I
started the blog when I was discovering the language and the
ecosystem, wishing more people wrote about CL. Because Common Lisp is was
the most hidden world I know.
I now wrote tools, libraries and software, I run a web app in production©, and I am creating videos on Youtube and a Common Lisp course on Udemy
I write intensively about Common Lisp on collaborative resources. My hidden plan is to make Common Lisp popular again. For this, I contribute to the Common Lisp Cookbook (I am the main contributor, by far). I wrote about: CLOS, data structures, building executables, scripting, web scraping, debugging, error handling, testing, databases, GUI programming, web development, the LispWorks IDE etc, and I added a theme, a sidebar and syntax highlighting. I also take time to maintain the awesome-cl list, an important resource in my eyes. I dig up, reference and sort Common Lisp libraries (and I still discover hidden gems three five years after). I do community stuff for Lisp Advocates (not the creator).
But I still want Common Lisp to be easier to learn. So I am creating this Lisp course in videos:
🎥 Common Lisp programming: from novice to effective programmer (on GitHub)
I truly think it is the most effective way to learn CL! I sum up in 5-15 minutes videos what took me a long time to learn or simply discover (a longer time to admit).
So now a newcomer has far more practical information for getting started than a few years ago. But there’s still a lot to do. Besides purchasing or sharing my course, you can thank and encourage me by donations on the following platforms. As I currently don’t have a fixed (nor big) income, that helps. Thanks!
- GitHub sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/vindarel/
- ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/vindarel
- liberapay: https://liberapay.com/vindarel/
I also write and maintain tools, libraries, software and project skeletons. Among others:
- cl-str, that fixed my first frustration with CL
- CIEL - a fast startup scripting environment for Common Lisp, with batteries included. Usable, still in development.
and also:
- replic, to help create a readline application in no time
- see how I use it in cl-torrents or in lyrics-cli, there is one commit that adds replic support.
- fuzzy-match
- cl-sendgrid, to send emails easily with the Sendgrid API.
- progressons - a progress bar.
- cl-readline (maintainer)
- cl-ansi-term (maintainer)
- ABStock, a catalogue of books (and other products)
- OpenBookStore, a personal book manager, aiming to replace Abelujo
- cl-torrents, with an experimental Weblocks front-end
- colisper, an interface to Comby, for syntactic code checking and refactoring of Lisp code.
- indent-tools (emacs package)
- print-licences
- a simple tool to fetch the status of your Gitlab pipelines: pipelines-viewer (just a demo on how to access third-party APIs and how to build a binary, really)
- format-colors, a set of simple
directives to print colored text
project skeletons and demos:
- cl-cookieproject
- check out this video: 🎥 How to create, run, build and load a new Common Lisp project
- the companion skeleton for web apps: cl-cookieweb
- lisp-web-template-productlist: Hunchentoot + easy-routes + Djula templates + Bulma CSS + a Makefile to build the project
- demo-web-live-reload: an example of how image-based development is useful. Learn to interact with a running website, including with a remote one with Swank.
- demo-ISSR-djula - a demo on how to build a dynamic web app without JavaScript, but with ISSR, Interactive Server-Side Rendering (and Djula templates).
- Weblocks-todomvc
and others:
- the lisp-maintainers list.
- the funny Hacker Typer in Lisp.
- the list of languages implemented in Lisp.
I contribute to awesome projects such as:
- Weblocks, an isomorphic web framework. I helped write the quickstart, fixed HTML generation in tables, wrote more documentation, raised issues.
- the Nyxt browser: I was part of the team in 2019, I am the second contributor of that year.
and I fix bugs when I see them (Mito (my contributions!), Djula…).
You can reach me by email at vindarel, mailz dot org. I am /u/(reverse (str:concat “vince” “zd”)) on reddit.
This website’s sources are on Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/lisp-journey/lisp-journey.gitlab.io/issues